Sunflower Society

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Absurdly low carbon prices compared to fossil subsidies

Harald Desing, 9. Nov 2023

Explicit and implicit fossil fuel subsidies keep growing and by far outstrip CO2 prices.

Minimally invasive mining: the birth of the ore-worm

Harald Desing, 19. Oct 2023

Traditional mining is like open heart surgery: messy, disturbing, painful. But we will need some mining to get the material necessary for the energy transition. Can we invent minimally invasive mining that are not so damaging to the Earth and the people?

Electricity: the universal energy currency

Harald Desing, 3. Mar 2023

Conversion of primary energy to final energy in electricity equivalents.

Sunflower society: a new vision for a climate compatible future

Harald Desing, 14. Jan 2022

Aligning our energy demand with solar supply reduces the demand for energy storage and helps to accelerate the energy transition.

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Sunflower society vision

Absurdly low carbon prices

Ore worm

About Harald Desing

I'm a mechanical and environmental engineer and researcher on energy, materials, planetary boundaries and the metabolism of society. My main focus is on how to make a transition to a planet compatible, circular and just society.